COD Fuel Dealers
a.k.a. "Discount Heating Oil Companies" and "Cash Heating Oil Dealers"
Discount heating oil companies, a.k.a “COD Fuel” dealers or “Cash Heating Oil” dealers, are the low-fare, no-frills airlines of the home heating oil industry. In the same way that JetBlue offers the best prices by eliminating frills such as free meals and checked luggage, discount oil companies offer the best prices by focusing on a single goal: high quality heating oil delivered promptly and professionally.

"Will Call" Ordering
When making the switch from a full-price oil delivery company to a discount oil delivery company, the biggest difference is the ordering process. If you have been using a full-price oil company, after signing a 1-year delivery agreement, you basically forget about your heating system. With a discount heating oil company, just as you fill up your car when you run low on gas, you place an oil order when you run low on oil. This type of on-demand delivery is sometimes called “will-call.” Switching to a discount/COD fuel company can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your home heating bills.
Checking your tank’s oil level is easy: your oil tank gauge works just like your car’s fuel gauge. When you see your oil level running low, either call a few local discount oil delivery companies to get price quotes, or use an online heating oil markteplace like to check price quotes and place an order from your smartphone or computer.
Do "Discount" oil companies offer high quality fuel?
What does "COD" mean?
The acronym “C.O.D.” stands for Collect On Delivery, a historical reference to when discount oil customers paid made payments directly to the oil delivery driver. Today, discount oil companies accept credit cards at the time you place the order, eliminating the need to be home for your oil delivery.